1. A comparative study of the adjustment and values of B.Ed. Arts and Science students. (Download/Read)
- Dr. R.K. Yadav & Aarti Yadav
2. A study of introversion-extroversion and academic achievement of the children of working and non-working women. (Download/Read)
- Shilpi
3. Construction of a scale of emotional intelligence. (Download/Read)
- Dr. R.K. Yadav & Bhawana Gupta
4. A study of perception of youth regarding female foeticide in relation to values and socio-economic status. (Download/Read)
- Dr. R.K. Yadav & Mrs. Shivani Yadav
5. Study habits of students with respect to their achievement in mathematics (Download/Read)
- Manoj Kumari
6. A study of population awareness, attitude towards family planning and reactions to the inclusion of population education in the school curriculum (Download/Read)
- Dr. Shalini Yadav
7. Acomparative study of adjustment, values and academic achievement of urban and rural school adolescents (Download/Read)
- Mrs. Rekha Yadav
8. Study habits and academic achievement of the students of class 10+2 level of schools in Gurgaon District (Download/Read)
- Pushap Lata Ahuja & K.K. Ahuja
9. Self-concept, level of aspiration, anxiety and academic achievement of govt, and non govt, schools students - A comparative study (Download/Read)
- Surya Kamal Yadav
10. बी.एड. के विज्ञान व कला के छात्रो का उनके विभिन्न बोधिक स्तरों पर मूल्यों का अध्ययन. (Download/Read)
- अरुणा पथिक
11. भारत मे योगशीक्षा की संकल्पना एवं प्रयास व शिक्षा पाठ्यक्रम मे पतंजलि योगपीठ का योगदान . (Download/Read)
-डा राजकुमार यादव व रेखा यादव