1.Creativity of secondary school students to their school environment. (Download / Read)
 - Dr Geeta

2. A comparative study of creativity of delinquent and normal girls in western UP. (Download / Read)
 - Dr. Kanak Rani

3. Security insecurity among adolescents in relation to socio-demographic factors. (Download / Read)
 - DrKiran Duggle

4. A study of emotional intelligence and self concept of secondary school students.(Download / Read)
 - Reena Agarwal & Dr Nisha Singh

5 Relating intelligence of students with frustration and its dimensions. (Download / Read)
 - Dr. Abu Mojher Khan

6. Academic achievement and temperamental differences among the adolescent children of working mothers and stay at home mothers A comparative study. (Download / Read)
 - Urvashi Sachdeva

7. Self concept emotional maturity and career aspirations of adolescent students in relation to their climate. (Download / Read)
 - Sharmila Yadav& Dr. Gopal Singh

9. A study of academic achievements of secondary school students in relation to their social intelligence. (Download / Read)
 - Dr Umender Malik & Kanchan Kumar Jha

10. Life skills and teaching experiences of woman teachers. (Download / Read)
 - Dhanklakshami

11. Vocational preferences of science students of eleventh standard in relation to their socio-economics status. (Download / Read
 - Dr. Samridhi Wadhwa Nagpal

12 Effect of teaching through graphic organizers on academic achievements of VII graders. (Download / Read)
 - Dr Supreet Kaur & Kamini

13. A study of self efficacy of college students. (Download / Read)
 - T.M Divya Barathi & S Suganya

14. A study of teaching aptitude of prospective teachers in relation to sex intelligence and academic achievement. (Download / Read)
 - Dr j.d Singh & Satinder Kaur

15 A study of academic achievement of B.Ed students in relation to their intelligence and anxiety. (Download / Read)
 - Dr K.C Shakariah

16. Achievement of VI class students towards vocabulary games in learning English Language A study. (Download / Read
 - Dr. Repudi Vijyalatha & M.Srinivas

17. Information processing skills of higher secondary students in relation to their academic achievement in mathematics. (Download / Read)
 - Dr.G. Kumaravelu

18. An evaluation of pupil teachers ratio in primary schools of Haryana with special reference to Right to education act 2009. (Download / Read)
 - Dr.B.S.Yadav & Rekha Chakarpani

19. A study of achievement motivation of high school students in relation to their academic achievements and socio economic status. (Download / Read)
 - Dr. Shalini Yadav

20. Academic achievement of B.Ed trainees in relation to their to emotional maturity and self concept. (Download / Read)
 - Dr Sarita Anand

21. Unorganized sector misleads the pure economics growth of a country a brief study of Indian poor section. (Download / Read
 - Ishwar Singh Darji

22. Self concept of the intermediate class students at different levels of their intelligence- a comparative study. (Download / Read)
 - Sarshati Singh

23. माध्यमिक विधयालयों मे कार्यरत शिक्षकों की शिक्षण अभिक्षमता का अध्ययन (Download / Read)
 - मनीषा सिंह और डॉ नीतू चावला

24. मानवतावादी चेतना
 - डॉ अशोक कुमार सिडना और जगदीश प्रसाद. (Download / Read)

25. माध्यमिक स्तर के विधयर्थीयों के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का अध्ययन. (Download / Read)
 - डॉ वीरेंदर सिंह यादव

26. उत्तर प्रदेश के आगरा मंडल मे विभिन्न अभिकरणों द्वारा संचालित माध्यमिक विधयालयों के शिक्षकों के मूल्यों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन. (Download / Read)
 - डॉ चंद्रमोहन सारस्वत

27. प्राथमिक विधयालयों आव्म उच्च प्राथमिक विधयालयों मे कार्यरत अध्यापको . अध्यापीकाओं मे पयवरण जागरूकता एवम् आत्म संबोधन का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन मथुरा जनपद के सन्दर्भ मे . (Download / Read)
 - डॉ मंजू यादव

28. सीनियर सॅकेंडरी स्तर के विज्ञान वर्ग के सरकारी एवम् गैर सरकारी विधयालयों के विधयर्थीयों की वैज्ञानिक अभिव्रती का अध्ययन. (Download / Read)
 - मुकेश कुमार सैनी

29. भारतीय इतिहास का लेखन और शिक्षण ब्रिटिश काल से आज तक. (Download / Read)
 - डॉ लक्ष्मी नारायण

30. परंपरागत कक्षा शिक्षण के तुल्यसामुदायिक रेडियो शिक्षण अधिगांकर्ता की रूचि व अभिप्रेरणा. (Download / Read)