1. A study on job involvement of high school teachers with respect to certain selected 1 moderator variables. (Download /Read)
- K. Suresh
2. A comparative study of attitude towards research among research scholars of different district. (Download /Read)
- Praveen Devgan & Namrata Singh
3. A study of academic achievement of secondary school tribul students of prakasam. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Kanamarlapudi. Venkateswarlu & Dr. Digumarti . Bhaskara Rao
4. Role of teaching strategies in classroom teaching. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Pawan Kumar
5. Awareness of inclusive education among secondary school teachers. (Download /Read)
- Ms. Rajwinder Kaur
6. Naturalistic intelligence and awareness on sustainable development among tribal. (Download /Read)
- Dr. K.Rema Devi & Pradeep.R
7. A comparative tudy of mid term evaluation of Baren and Jhalawar district of XII grade arts students. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Ravi Kant Yadav
8. Study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and teacher effectiveness of secondary school teachers. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Urmil Sethi
9. Influence of academic achievement and teaching aptitude on training success; A study of ETE trainees of Delhi diets. (Download /Read)
- Sunita rani & Prof. M.A.Siddiqui
10. Survey of existing facilities in physical education colleges of Sirsa district. (Download /Read)
Surjeet singh Kaswan & Dr.B.K.Choudhary
11. Emotional maturity and parent- child interaction of adolescents: A qualitative analysis. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Gagandeep Kaur & Kiranjit Kaur
12. Development and validation of web integrated instructional package for learning disabled. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Preeti Yadav
13. A study of teaching effectiveness of senior secondary school teachers in relation to socio-demographic variables. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal
14. A study of reflective thinking and learning strategies in relation to scholastic achievement of student studying in senior secondary schools of Delhi. (Download /Read)
- Sheetal Kapur
15. Study habits of tribal undergraduates students of different streams. (Download /Read)
- Neetu Bansal & Dr. M. Vani Subramanyam
16. A comparative study of level of stress of primary teachers working in private and government schools. - A comparative study. (Download /Read)
- Mrs. Archana Yadav
17. A comparative study of modernization among girl students of different level of education. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Neetu Chawala & Sonika Verma
18. A study of problem solving ability of IX std. students. (Download /Read)
- Anita Dhadhich
19. A study of geist interests in relation with creativity components and adjustment among students of intermediate classes of both sexes. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Sunita Gupta
20. Implementation of right to education : A constitutional overview. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Som Prakash
21. Teacher's professional identity : Loosing it and regaining it. (Download /Read)
- Ashok Kumar
22. Mental health of school going adolescents in relation to their aggression level. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Rajesh Kumar
23. Follies and fallacies in teacher education : A critical overview (Download /Read)
- Prof. L C Singh & Dr. Meenu Dev
24. A comparative study of level of aspiration of learning disabled and non disabled children. (Download /Read)
- Dr. Shaminder Kaur
25. Effectiveness of computer assisted instruction program in environmental science at secondary level. (Download /Read)
- Mrs. Ritu Mago
26. Achievement in Hindi as related to academic achievement motivation. (Download /Read)
- Dr. (Mrs.) Sushma Sharma & Dr. (MRs.) Sunita Chhabra
27. Job satisfaction and school environment of govt. and non govt. high school teachers of Rewari district - A comparative study. (Download /Read)
Dr. Shalini Yadav & Jaya Saini
28. A study on achievement motivation and teaching competency of B.Ed. students. (Download /Read)
Dr. C Maria Ugin Joseph
29. सेवा-कालीन अध्यापकों के शिक्षण कौशल विकास मे विभिन्न प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमो का प्रभाव. (Download /Read)
- जितेंदर कुमार महन
30. हनुमानगढ़ जिले के बहुसंख्यक व अल्पसंख्यक संवर्ग के भावी अध्यापकों मे राष्ट्रीय जागरूकता व जीवन मूल्यों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Download /Read)
- अनिता कुमारी
31. उच्च माध्यमिक स्तर पर सचालित राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना कार्यक्रम की उपादेयता का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन (Download /Read)
- अनुभव विशु
32. 14 से 16 वर्ष की बालिकाओं के सामाजी व्यवहार पर परिवारिक संबंधो का प्रभाव (Download /Read)
- श्रीमती प्राची उपाध्याय
33. जीवन मूल्य : समायोजन का आधार (Download /Read)
- डॉ राजश्री
34. दूरदर्शन का माध्यमिक स्तर के विधयर्थीयों की सामाजिक बुध्हि व उनके व्यवहार पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव का अध्ययन (Download /Read)
- सुमन शर्मा