1. A study of self concepts among 11 grade learners in relation to their academic achievement. (Download / Read)
- Mrs .Archana Yadav
2. A study of scientific attitude and achievement in science of senior secondary school students. (Download / Read)
- Prof. Jitender Kumar & Neha Chored
3. Internal quality assurance cell in higher education institutions. (Download / Read)
- Dr. (Mrs.) Parveen Rani
4. Latest NCTE norma and the role of teacher training institutions. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Ruchi Bhargava
5. Academic procrastination: A critical issue for consideration. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Madhuri Hooda & Anu Saini
6. Effect of family climate on academic achievement of senior secondary school students. (Download / Read)
- Rekha Rani & Dr. Yashpal Deswal
7. Academic achievement of senior secondary school students in relation to their achievement motivation and self concept. (Download / Read)
- Kiran Jilowa
8. Attitude of senior secondary school teachers towards teaching profession in relation to gender and marital status. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Sarita & Anil
9. A comparative study of attitude of parents towards dowry system. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Urmila Geol
10. Gender sensitization and equality of opportunity in Indian context. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Rajshree
11. A study on science interest and academic achievement among higher secondary biology 199 students in relation to their mental health. (Download / Read)
- J. Sivaprakshsam
12. Mathematical interest of secondary school students in relation to their demographic variables. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Shalini Yadav & Deepali Aggarwal
13. Teacher professional perception of prospective teachers. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Y.S. Deswal & Rekha Rani
14. Effect of modular teaching on academic achievement of secondary school students. (Download / Read)
- Dr. S.k. Kaushal
15. Vocational preferences of commerce stream of 11th standard in relation to their socio- economic status and intelligence. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Samridhi Wadhwa Nagpal
16. The impact o modernization on women and our society. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Neetu Chawala & Sonika Verma
17. Innovation and quality enhancement of teacher education for nation building - Challenges in teacher education (Download / Read)
Dr. Yashpal Yadav
18. Knowledge and behaviour on recycling among secondary school students in Coimbatore city municipal corporation. (Download / Read)
- J. Jeyadevi & Dr. M. Malarvizhi
19. Team-pair-solo strategy of cooperative learning in developing science process skills among secondary school students. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Elizabeth Joshua
20. Impact of non-verbal communication on student's learning outcomes at secondary level. (Download / Read)
- Dr. SK Kaushal
21. पर्वतीय एवम् मैदानी क्षेत्रों मे स्त्री - शिक्षा के विकास का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन. (Download / Read)
- डॉ मंजू क्थैत
22. माध्यमिक स्तर के कला एवम् विज्ञान वर्ग के शिक्षकों की सावेगत्मक बुद्धि का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Download / Read)
- डॉ श्वेता अग्रवाल
23. बालिका शिक्षा के प्रति जागरूकता एक अध्ययन (Download / Read)
- घिसालाल लोधा और डॉ अनिता कोठारी