1.Creativity attitude of B.ed students teachers. (Download / Read)
- A. Vaiyadurai & Dr. R.Anandarasu
2. Effect of intervention strategies on the level of awareness of elementary school teachers towards education. (Download / Read)
- Dr.(Mrs) Mun Kalita
3. Teaching method and learning strategies of English language. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Yasmin Sultana
4. Cognitive style in relation to pedagogic content knowledge among secondary school teachers. (Download / Read)
- Dr.V.P. Joshith & Renjith J.S.
5. Post basic school teachers attitude towards ICT in the context of their sex,age and educational qualification. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Ashok Parmar
6. Emotional maturity and self concept among senior secondary school students. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Manju Jain & Dr. Pooja Pasrija
7. Emotional maturity and anxity, type of school, gender and locality on academic achievement of senior secondary school students. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Neeru Rathee & Kiran Rani
8. Emotional intelligence among B.ED. teacher educators. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Rajkumari J Punjabi
9. Educational programes for childern with learning disabilities. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Urmila Goel
10. Creating an expers learner through meta cognitive instruction. (Download / Read)
- Dr.Celine Perira & Dr Padma Priya P.V.
11. Study of self concept and adjustment in relation to academic achievement among adolescents. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Surinder Singh
12. Resilience among adolescents as a congruents to obsessive compulsive disorder. (Download / Read)
- Ms.Amanpreet Kaur
13. Impact of family social environment on children's health. (Download / Read)
- Aradhana
14. Perspective of teacher education. (Download / Read)
- Vivek Kaushik
15 Effect of constructive learning approach on achievement in mathematics. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Ram Mehar & Navdeep Sanwal
16. Work motivation and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers of Shekhavati region. (Download / Read)
- Dr.J.D. Singh
17 A study of relationship between personality and career maturity of senior secondary class student. (Download / Read)
- Dr.(Mrs.) Urmil Sethi
18. Quality of public and private funded B.Ed programme in northern region based on perception of teacher trainees with regard to accessible and committed teacher educator. (Download / Read)
- Sukti Barua
19 A study of achievement motivation of senior secondary school student of working
and non-working mothers. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Sarita& Reena
20 Impact of modern technology in improving the quality of education. (Download / Read)
- Surbhi Aggarwal
21 Teacher trainees awareness on human rights and their attitude towards human rights education. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Ranjini Devi.S
22 A study of academic achievement in relation to level of aspiration of senior secondary students. (Download / Read)
--Virender kumar
23 An analytical study of academic stress on underachievers in social studies. (Download / Read)
- Nuzhat Praveen
24 Attitude and level of participation in school beautification by students and teachers at secondary level. (Download / Read)
- Dr. B.V. Ramana Rao
25 The impact of mid day meal program on enrollment and retention of primary stage learners in Amritsar districts. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Ruchi Bhargava
26 Effect of classroom climate, teachers' leadership behaviour and expectations on student scholastic achievement. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Tanuja Agarwal
27. Role of intelligence in academic success and adjustment of graduate level students. (Download / Read)
- Dr. Manju Yadav
28. Role of cognitive styles on attainment of concepts in relation to attitude. (Download / Read)
--Dr. Parvinder K.Kaboj & Payal
29. प्राथमिक छात्राध्यापको की स्व-निर्देशित अधिगम के प्रति स्व-कार्यसाधकता (Download / Read)
- डॉ महेश नारायण दीक्षित
30. राजस्थान राज्य के अजमेर संभाग मे प्राथमिक विधयाल्या स्तर पर विधयार्थी नामांकन की प्रवृति का अध्ययन (Download / Read)
- सुरेंदर कुमार और डॉ मुरलीधर मिश्रा
31. स्नातक स्तर के छात्रों मे विज्ञान विषय के प्रति बढ़ती अरुचि का अध्ययन. (Download / Read)
- शोभा उपाध्याय
32. किशोर बालक एवम् बालिकाओं के सामाजिक व्यवहार पर परिवारिक संबंधों के प्रभाव का अध्ययन (Download / Read)
- प्राची उपाध्याय
33. उच्चतार माध्यमिक बालक एवम् बालिकाओं के संगठनात्मक वातावर्ण का शिक्षकों की शिक्षक प्रभावशीलता पर प्रभाव का अध्ययन (Download / Read)
- डॉ श्वेता अग्रवाल
34. सूचना संप्रेषण तकनीक एवम् सामाजिक मीडिया का अधिगम पर प्रभाव (Download / Read)
- डॉ शालिनी यादव और वीर सिंह